Annie Heartfield

Member, Mental Health Advisor

Annie Heartfield, MS, LPC is the owner of Heartfield Counseling since 2004, a private practice specializing in whole-person healing through talk therapy, mindful behavioral and cognitive growth, and including the physical body through mindfulness, breathing exercises, EMDR, working within nature, and other somatic experiences.

Annie’s background includes her first career in bodywork, Rolfing (R) Structural Integration, which underlies her orientation of bringing the body into the counseling process. In addition to a full time bodywork practice, for several years Annie served on the Board of Directors of The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, the clearing house and educational center for Rolfers around the world. She maintains her membership in the organization and a strong passion for the work of Ida Rolf.

After her ten-year Rolfing career Annie returned to graduate school at Oklahoma State University, completed a Master’s in Community Counseling and helped create the OSU-Tulsa Counseling Center and Training Clinic, where counseling for free was available to members of the community. In Annie’s post-grad internship years she initially worked at Tulsa’s drug and alcohol rehabilitation center 12&12, in a dual diagnosis program for folks with both mental health and addiction challenges. There she did both group and individual counseling, taught educational classes regarding substance use, led a meditation group and served on the Integrative Services Initiative Committee of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. It was there she began to develop her unique brand of judgment-free counseling for clients with self-reported substance abuse challenges.

Later, Annie transferred to Domestic Violence Intervention Services/Call Rape, where she spent the next two years counseling and working with victims of domestic violence. Her team at DVIS/CR collaborated with Department of Human Services, police, criminal and civil court, shelter services, animal rescue, and more on behalf of victims and their families.

Annie has served on the Board of Directors of the Tulsa Interfaith Alliance and is a professional member of various organizations including the American Counseling Association, Citizen Therapists for Democracy, Oklahoma Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, Association for Contextual Behavior Science, and more.

For the past two decades, Annie has specialized in private counseling with individuals, couples, family, and other groups. She maintains a particular niche working with music industry professionals around the country via her relationship with the nonprofit Backline, which provides mental health and wellness resources for the music industry, and in collaboration with other organizations such as Sweet Relief and Tulsa’s Red Dirt Relief Fund, where she currently serves on the Advisory Council.


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